Top 10 Oldest Ancient Civilizations of the World

The ancient civilizations were a group of people who lived in different parts of the world thousands of years ago. They created some of the most amazing things that we still use today, like pyramids, temples, and writing systems. These civilizations were very important because they helped to shape the world we live in today.


10 Oldest Civilizations of the World

From the Indus Valley to the Roman Empire, let’s explore the wonders of ancient civilizations, discovering their remarkable achievements, decline and enduring legacies. Here is a list of the top 10 oldest civilizations:

1. Indus Valley Civilization

Civilizations - Mohenjo-Daro ruins
Mohenjo-Daro ruins, Built around 2500 BCE

The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that flourished along the banks of the Indus River in the north-western Indian subcontinent including present-day Pakistan from about 3300 to 1300 BCE.

It is known for its cities, advanced art and architecture, and sophisticated water management systems making it one of the world’s earliest urban societies.


The Indus Valley Civilization spanned an area of over 1 million square kilometres in British India including northwest India, modern-day Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It was named after the Indus River, which played a vital role in its development and trade.

Urban Planning

The Indus Valley people were master urban planners, constructing well-organized cities with grid-like street layouts, impressive fortifications, and sophisticated drainage systems. They also built multi-story buildings, public baths, and large granaries, showcasing their architectural prowess.

The Priest-King Sculpture
The Priest-King Sculpture (approx. 2000 BCE)

Technology and Trade

The Indus Valley Civilization was known for its advanced technology, including pottery, metalwork, and seals.

They produced Indus Valley Ware, distinctive pottery characterized by black and red painted designs, and crafted intricate jewellery, tools, and weapons using copper, bronze, and gold.

They also engaged in extensive trade networks, exchanging goods with Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia.

Unique Cultural Practices

The Indus Valley people had a distinct culture, as evidenced by their art, writing system, and religious practices. They produced a variety of sculptures, including terracotta figurines and stone carvings, often depicting animals and deities.

They developed a unique writing system, still undeciphered, consisting of over 400 pictographic symbols. Their complex religious system included fire altars, temples, and sacred symbols.

Decline of Indus Valley Civilizations

Around 1300 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization began to decline, and its cities were gradually abandoned. The reasons for this decline remain unclear, with theories ranging from climate change to invasions. Despite its eventual demise, the Indus Valley Civilization left an enduring legacy, influencing later civilizations in the region and continuing to intrigue archaeologists and historians with its enigmatic nature.

2. Mesopotamia

Civilizations - Mesopotamia
Abraham house in Ur city-sate

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Mesopotamia is a region of Western Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is considered one of the most important regions in the development of civilization, as it was home to the first cities, writing systems, and empires.

Mesopotamia flourished between 3500 and 539 BCE with the rise and fall of several civilizations in the period.

The Uruk Period marked the emergence of the first urban civilization, followed by the Jemdet Nasr, Early Dynastic, and Akkadian periods.


Mesopotamia, meaning “land between rivers” in Greek, was a region of Western Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and is considered one of the most important regions in the development of civilization.

Writing System: Cuneiform

Mesopotamia is credited with the invention of cuneiform, one of the world’s earliest writing systems. Cuneiform was a wedge-shaped script written on clay tablets using a stylus.

It was used for various purposes, including recording administrative transactions, literary works, and laws.

Clay Tablet for writing Cuniform
Clay Tablet for writing Cuniform

Source: CC BY 4.0 DEED

Cities and Architecture

Mesopotamia was home to the world’s first cities, including Uruk, Ur, and Babylon. These cities were characterized by their grid-like street layouts, impressive ziggurats (stepped temple towers), and fortified walls.

Mesopotamian architecture was also notable for its use of baked bricks and arches.

Technology and Innovations

Mesopotamia was a centre for technological innovations, including the wheel, the plough, and irrigation systems.

They also developed advanced metalworking techniques, producing tools, weapons, and jewellery from copper, bronze, and iron.

Social Structure

Mesopotamian society was hierarchical, with a king at the top followed by nobles, priests, merchants, artisans, and farmers. Slavery was also present.

Religion and Mythology

Mesopotamia had a polytheistic religion, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses representing various aspects of nature and human life. Their mythology included epic tales like the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest surviving works of literature.


Mesopotamian civilization played a crucial role in shaping the development of Western civilization. Its contributions to writing, law, mathematics, and astronomy had a profound impact on subsequent civilizations.

Despite its eventual decline, Mesopotamia’s legacy continues to inspire and fascinate scholars and historians today.

3. Egypt

Giza pyramids, Cairo
Giza pyramids, Cairo

Ancient Egypt was a northeastern African civilization that flourished along the Nile River for over 3,000 years, from around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE.

Egyptian Civilizations are well known in the world for pyramids, pharaohs, and hieroglyphic writing systems.

It was divided into two kingdoms: Upper Egypt, located in the south, and Lower Egypt, in the north. These kingdoms were unified under a powerful king, later called a pharaoh, around 3100 BCE.

Pharonic Rule and Social Structure

Pharaohs were considered divine rulers, intermediaries between the gods and the people. They held absolute power and were responsible for maintaining order, justice, and prosperity in the kingdom.

Egyptian society was hierarchical, with nobles, priests, scribes, artisans, farmers, and labourers forming the social strata.

Civilizations - Ancient Egypt
Gold funerary mask of Tutankhamun

Architecture and Engineering

Ancient Egyptians were renowned for their architectural and engineering marvels. They built monumental pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, as tombs for their pharaohs.

Other impressive structures included temples, palaces, and obelisks. Their engineering prowess was evident in irrigation systems, canals, and the construction of cities like Thebes and Memphis.

Writing System: Hieroglyphics

Ancient Egyptians developed a complex writing system known as hieroglyphics, using a combination of pictographic and phonetic symbols.

Hieroglyphics were used to record history, religious texts, and administrative records, often inscribed on stone walls, monuments, and papyrus scrolls.

Beliefs in the Afterlife and Mummification

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, where the soul would continue to exist and enjoy a life similar to the earthly one. To preserve the body for the afterlife, they practised mummification, an elaborate process involving drying and wrapping the body in linen bandages.

Advances in Medicine and Science

Ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to medicine and science.

They developed surgical techniques, studied the properties of herbs and plants, and made observations of the stars and planets, leading to the development of a calendar system.

Trade and Cultural Influence

Ancient Egypt engaged in extensive trade with neighbouring regions, exchanging goods like gold, papyrus, and precious stones. Their culture and influence extended beyond their borders, impacting neighbouring civilizations and leaving a lasting legacy on art, architecture, and religious beliefs.


After centuries of prosperity, Ancient Egypt faced periods of decline due to internal conflicts, invasions, and economic instability.

Its last native ruler, Cleopatra VII, was defeated by the Romans in 30 BCE, marking the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty and the end of Ancient Egypt as an independent kingdom.

4. Ancient China

Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang
Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang

Ancient China is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world, with a history dating back over 5,000 years. It is known for its great dynasties, inventions such as paper and gunpowder, and its rich cultural traditions.

Its origins can be traced back to the Neolithic period around 6,000 BCE, with the emergence of agricultural communities along the Yellow, Yangtze, and Pearl Rivers.

Over millennia, these communities evolved into powerful dynasties that shaped China’s cultural and political landscape.

Major Dynasties and their Contributions

Ancient China’s history is marked by the rise and fall of several dynasties, each leaving a profound impact on the civilization’s development.

The Xia Dynasty established the foundations and the Shang Dynasty introduced bronze technology.

The Zhou Dynasty Shaped Confucianism and Taoism, the Qin unified the empire, the Han ushered in a golden age, and the Tang fostered cultural prosperity.

The Song advanced technology and ceramics and the Ming constructed the Forbidden City.

These dynasties, with their unique contributions, have left an enduring legacy that continues to shape China’s identity today.

Achievements in Philosophy, Science, and Technology

Ancient China made remarkable contributions to various fields of knowledge, including:

Philosophy: Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism emerged as influential schools of thought, shaping Chinese social, political, and ethical values.

Science: Ancient Chinese astronomers made accurate celestial observations and developed a sophisticated calendar system. They also invented the seismograph, the world’s first earthquake-detecting device.

Technology: Ancient China is credited with groundbreaking inventions such as gunpowder, papermaking, the compass, the printing press, and the abacus. These innovations had a profound impact on global technology and cultural exchange.

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, a series of fortifications constructed over centuries, stands as one of the most iconic and recognizable symbols of Ancient China.

Its construction began during the Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BCE) and continued through various dynasties, with the Ming Dynasty making significant expansions.

The Great Wall’s primary purpose was to protect China’s borders from invasions and served as a strategic military defence system for centuries.

Silk Road and Trade Networks

The Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting China with the Mediterranean world, played a crucial role in facilitating cultural and economic exchange between East and West.

From the 2nd century BCE, merchants traversed this vast network, carrying silk, spices, precious stones, and other goods, while also exchanging ideas, technologies, and cultural practices.

5. Mesoamerica

Civilizations Mesoamerica
Tikal Mayan ruins

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Mesoamerica, a region of Central America encompassing present-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and parts of Panama, was home to a flourishing civilization that spanned over 3,000 years, from around 1500 BCE to 1500 CE.

This region witnessed the rise and fall of several remarkable civilizations, each leaving a unique imprint on Mesoamerican culture and history.

Major Civilizations and Their Contributions

Mesoamerica’s cultural landscape was shaped by the emergence of several distinct civilizations, including:

The Olmecs, with their colossal stone heads and unique writing system, laid the foundation for Mesoamerican cultural development.

The Maya, renowned for their advanced mathematics, astronomical prowess, and architectural wonders, flourished in the southern lowlands.

The Aztecs, establishing their empire in Tenochtitlan, showcased their warrior culture, elaborate rituals, and architectural marvels.

Achievements in Agriculture, Urban Planning, and Architecture

Mesoamerican civilizations made significant advancements in various fields, including:

Agriculture: They domesticated and cultivated a variety of crops, including maize (corn), beans, squash, tomatoes, and chilli peppers, forming the foundation of their diet and economy.

Urban Planning: Mesoamerican cities were characterized by their grid-like layouts, imposing pyramids and temples, and sophisticated drainage systems. They were hubs of commerce, political power, and cultural expression.

Architecture: Mesoamerican architecture showcased remarkable engineering feats, with the construction of pyramids, temples, palaces, and ball courts. These structures often featured intricate carvings, sculptures, and murals, reflecting the civilizations’ rich artistic traditions.

Civilizations Mesoamerica
Pyramid of the Moon, Mesoamerica

Writing Systems and Religious Beliefs

Mesoamerica witnessed the development of several writing systems, each with a unique set of symbols and scripts. These systems were used to record historical events, religious texts, and administrative records.

Mesoamerican civilizations held diverse religious beliefs, often centred on the worship of nature deities, such as gods of rain, fertility, and war.

Decline and Legacy

Despite their remarkable achievements, Mesoamerican civilizations faced decline due to factors such as internal conflicts, environmental changes, and the arrival of European conquistadors in the 16th century.

6. Phoenician

Phoenician Civilizations
Phoenician sarcophagi found in Cadiz, Spain

Source: CC BY 4.0 DEED

The Phoenicians, a seafaring people who lived in the Levant, a region encompassing present-day Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Palestine, flourished between 1200 BCE and 332 BCE.

Their coastal cities, such as Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos, served as important trading hubs, connecting the Mediterranean world with civilizations in Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Achievements in Maritime Exploration and Trade

The Phoenicians were renowned for their mastery of the sea, becoming skilled shipbuilders, navigators, and merchants.

They ventured far and wide, establishing trading colonies across the Mediterranean and beyond, reaching as far as the British Isles and the Canary Islands.

Their extensive trade networks introduced new goods, technologies, and cultural influences to various regions, fostering cross-cultural exchange and economic prosperity.

Alphabet and Writing System

The Phoenicians are credited with developing one of the earliest alphabetic writing systems, consisting of 22 phonetic symbols.

This system, known as the Phoenician script, enhanced communication, providing a more efficient and accessible form of writing compared to other civilizations.

The Phoenician alphabet became the foundation for many subsequent writing systems, including Greek, Roman, and Hebrew.

Ancient Phoenician city Motya, present-day Italy
Ancient Phoenician city Motya, present-day Italy

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Metalworking and Craftsmanship

The Phoenicians were skilled artisans, producing a variety of metalwork, jewellery, and textiles. They were particularly renowned for their mastery of purple dye, extracted from the murex snail, which became a highly sought-after luxury item.

The Phoenicians’ impact extended beyond trade and craftsmanship, as they also influenced cultural and religious practices throughout the Mediterranean.

Decline and Legacy

The Phoenician civilization gradually declined around the 6th century BCE, facing challenges from rising empires like the Assyrians and Persians.

Their maritime prowess, alphabetic writing system, and cultural influence laid the groundwork for future civilizations and the Mediterranean world.

7. Andean civilizations

Andean Civilizations
Machu Picchu, Inca Citadel, Peru

Source: CC BY 2.0 DEED

The Andean civilizations flourished in the Andes Mountains of South America, spanning an area from present-day Colombia to Chile.

Their origins can be traced back to around 10,000 BCE, with the emergence of hunter-gatherer societies.

Over millennia, these communities evolved into complex civilizations, with the most prominent ones emerging between 1200 BCE and 1500 CE.

Major Civilizations and Their Contributions

The Andean region, spanning from Colombia to Chile, witnessed the rise of remarkable civilizations like Chavín, Moche, Nazca, Wari, and Incas, with each with its unique cultural and technological achievements.

The Nazca’s geoglyphs etched into the desert sands continue to puzzle and fascinate, while the Wari’s vast infrastructure speaks of their organizational prowess.

The Incas, the last major Andean civilization, left behind a legacy of awe-inspiring engineering feats, exemplified by Machu Picchu.

Achievements in Agriculture, Engineering, and Textile Production

Andean civilizations made significant advancements in various fields, including:

Agriculture: They developed sophisticated agricultural techniques, including raised-field farming, terracing, and irrigation systems, allowing them to cultivate a variety of crops in challenging mountainous environments.

Engineering: Andean engineers constructed impressive infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and monumental structures like pyramids and temples. They also mastered techniques for stonework, carving, and hydraulic engineering.

Textile Production: Andean civilizations produced a wide range of textiles, using techniques like weaving, knitting, and embroidery. Their textiles were renowned for their intricate designs, vibrant colours, and use of natural fibres like alpaca and llama wool.

Agricultural terraces (andenes)
Agricultural terraces (andenes)

Unique Cultural Practices and Religious Beliefs

Andean civilizations had a deep reverence for nature and honoured its diverse deities, such as mountains, rivers, and animals, through elaborate rituals and ceremonies.

They respected their ancestors, seeking their guidance and protection.
Their unique textile traditions included intricate designs, vibrant colours, and natural fibres such as alpaca and llama wool.

These cultural expressions and religious beliefs deeply shaped their societies, reflecting their deep connection to the land and their complex worldview.

Decline and Legacy

The arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century marked the end of the Inca Empire and the beginning of a period of significant change for Andean civilizations.

The introduction of European diseases, forced labour, and cultural suppression led to a decline in population and the disruption of traditional ways of life.

8. Ancient Greece

Civilizations - Ancient Greece
The Parthenon, in Athens

Source: CC BY 2.0 DEED

Ancient Greece, a flourishing civilization in the southeastern Mediterranean, thrived between 800 BCE and 300 BCE. It is known for its city-states, its contributions to philosophy, mathematics, and the arts, and its influence on Western culture.

It encompassed the Greek mainland, the Peloponnese Peninsula, Aegean islands, and colonies established throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.

City-States and Political Systems

Ancient Greece was characterized by a collection of independent city-states, each with its own distinct political system, culture, and identity. These city-states, such as Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes, played a central role in shaping Greek history and culture.

Athens: Renowned for its democratic ideals, Athens developed a system of government where citizens participated in decision-making through assemblies and councils. It became a centre for philosophy, arts, and literature, producing renowned figures like Socrates, Plato, and Sophocles.

Sparta: Known for its militaristic society, Sparta emphasized discipline, physical prowess, and loyalty to the state. Its education system focused on training warriors, and the city-state maintained a powerful military presence.

Corinth: A significant trading hub, Corinth flourished due to its strategic location and seafaring expertise. It became a centre for pottery, metalwork, and textile production.

Thebes: Home to the legendary Oedipus myth, Thebes rivalled Athens for power and influence. It played a prominent role in the Peloponnesian War and Greek mythology.

Achievements in Philosophy, Science, and Art

Ancient Greece, a symbol of intellectual and artistic genius, left an indelible mark on human civilization.

Its philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle laid the foundation of Western philosophy by going deep into human thoughts.

Scientists like Pythagoras and Hippocrates made groundbreaking discoveries in mathematics and medicine, while artists sculpted masterpieces like the Statue of Zeus and wrote enduring tragedies.

Born out of a spirit of curiosity and creativity, these achievements continue to shape our understanding of the world and inspire future generations.

Early Athenian coin
Early Athenian coin

Olympic Games and Cultural Exchange

The Olympic Games, held every four years in the city of Olympia, served as a panhellenic festival, bringing together athletes and representatives from various Greek city-states.

These games created cultural exchange, athletic competition, and a sense of shared Greek identity.

Hellenistic Period

The Hellenistic period, following the conquests of Alexander the Great, extended Greek cultural influence to vast territories, blending Greek traditions with those of the conquered regions.

This period witnessed the rise of new cities like Alexandria in Egypt and the development of new artistic and philosophical schools.

9. Ancient Persia

Civilizations - Persian, Gate of all nations, Persepolis
Gate of all nations, Persepolis

Ancient Persia was a civilization that flourished in the Middle East from about 550 to 330 BCE. It is known for its powerful empires, its rich cultural traditions, and its contributions to religion and philosophy.

Persian Empires

Ancient Persia was home to several prominent empires, each leaving an indelible mark on history.

The most renowned among these was the Achaemenid Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BCE. Spanning from the Indus River in the east to the Aegean Sea in the west, it became the world’s largest empire at its zenith.

The Parthian Empire, established in 247 BCE, succeeded the Achaemenids and played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the Hellenistic and Roman eras.

The Sasanian Empire, founded in 224 CE, revived Persian traditions and engaged in frequent conflicts with the Roman Empire.

Geographical Extent

The Persian Empire was one of the largest empires in history, stretching from the Indus River in the east to the Aegean Sea in the west.

It encompassed a vast and diverse territory, encompassing present-day Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, parts of Central Asia and the Caucasus, and the Balkan Peninsula.

At its peak, the empire controlled over 5.5 million square kilometres (2.1 million square miles) and encompassed a wide range of cultures and peoples, including Persians, Medes, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Jews.

The empire’s capital was Persepolis, which is located in modern-day Iran.

Tachara, Persepolis
Tachara, Persepolis

Political Structure

The Persian Empire was a centralized state with a strong central government and the empire was divided into 20 to 30 provinces, each ruled by a satrap appointed by the king.

The king was the supreme ruler of the empire and had absolute power. The Persian Empire was known for its efficient administration and its tolerance of diverse cultures and religions.


Persian society was highly stratified, with a rigid class system. The elite class, including the royal family and satraps, held the highest social status and enjoyed immense wealth and power.

The priesthood played an important role in Persian society in overseeing religious rituals and maintaining the moral code of the empire.

The common people formed the bulk of the population, engaged in various occupations such as agriculture, trade and crafts.

Slaves lived at the lowest rungs of society, often being captured in wars or sold into slavery.


The Persian Empire had a robust economy driven by agriculture, trade, and taxation with Wheat, barley, and rice being the primary agricultural products.

Trade routes connected the empire to neighbouring regions, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas.


Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the Persian Empire, founded by the prophet Zoroaster.

Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion that emphasizes the struggle between good and evil, symbolized by the gods Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu.

10. Roman Empire

Civilizations - Roman Empire
Roman Forum, Rome

The Roman Empire was a Mediterranean civilization that flourished from approximately 27 BC to 476 AD, a powerful civilization that extended from the Iberian Peninsula to Mesopotamia.

It is known for its vast territory, powerful military, advanced engineering, and its contributions to law and government.

Geographical Extent

The Roman Empire was one of the largest empires in history, stretching from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to Mesopotamia in the east.

It encompassed a wide range of cultures and peoples, including Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Gauls, and Germans. The empire’s capital was Rome, which is located in modern-day Italy.

Colosseum, Rome
Colosseum, Rome

Source: CC BY 4.0 DEED

Political Structure

The Roman Empire was initially a republic, with power divided between the Senate, the assemblies, and the magistrates.

In 27 BCE, Augustus became the first Roman emperor, marking the transition to an empire. The emperor held absolute power and was assisted by a bureaucracy of officials.


Roman society was highly stratified in a rigid class system, with the patricians being the wealthiest and most powerful class, followed by the plebeians, who made up the majority of the population.

Slaves were at the lowest position of the social strata and had no rights.

Women were usually subordinate to men, but they had more rights than in many other ancient societies.


The Roman economy was based on agriculture, trade, and manufacturing and the main agricultural products were wheat, barley, and olives.

The Romans also traded extensively with other civilizations, such as the Chinese and the Indians.


The Romans were a polytheistic society, meaning they worshipped many gods/goddesses with Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva being the most important gods.

The Romans also adopted many Greek gods and goddesses.

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