50 South Korea Facts - Superstitions, Culture, Daily Lifestyle

South Korea is a country in East Asia, and its capital is Seoul, a big, modern city. South Korea is famous for its tasty food like kimchi and bulgogi. They also have K-pop music, which is really popular worldwide, with bands like BTS. The country has beautiful natural places, like mountains and beaches. South Korea has a long history with old palaces and temples that show its culture and traditions. Here are important South Korea facts related to its culture, beliefs, lifestyle and history.

South Korea Facts - Superstitions

In South Korea, like many cultures, there are beliefs and superstitions about omens that are considered either good or bad.

These ideas about lucky and unlucky signs are deeply rooted in the culture and can sometimes influence daily choices. But it’s important to know that not everyone in South Korea follows these beliefs, and they may vary from person to person.

Here are some South Korea facts about some of these omens:

Good Omens in South Korea

#1. Magpies: In South Korea, it is believed that seeing a magpie bird is a good omen. There’s a saying, “One for sorrow, two for joy,” which means seeing two magpies is a sign of happiness.

#2. Red Bean Porridge: Eating red bean porridge, especially on one’s birthday, is believed to bring good luck and symbolize a long, healthy life.

#3. Lucky Numbers: The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are considered lucky in South Korea, while the number 4 is often avoided because it sounds similar to the word for “death.”

#4. Dreams: Certain dreams are considered good omens. For example, dreaming about a dragon or a phoenix is seen as a sign of success and good fortune.

#5. Horseshoe Patterns: Patterns resembling a horseshoe, like the Korean letter “ã…‚,” are thought to bring good luck. People may incorporate these patterns into clothing or decorations.

South Korea Facts
Korean Magpie

Source: CC BY-SA 2.5

South Korea Facts
Red Bean Porridge

Source: CC BY 2.0

Bad Omens in South Korea

#6. The Number 4: As mentioned earlier, the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds like the word for “death” in Korean.

#7. Funerals: Attending a funeral or seeing a hearse is considered a bad omen. It’s associated with death and is best avoided whenever possible.

#8. Whistling at Night: Whistling at night is believed to attract snakes and other evil spirits, so it is often discouraged.

#9. Breaking Things: Accidentally breaking a mirror, dish, or other valuable item is believed to bring bad luck.

#10. Sleeping with Your Feet Facing the Door: It’s considered bad luck to sleep with your feet pointing toward the door, as it is believed to invite negative energy or spirits into your home.

South Korea Facts

Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

South Korea Facts
No Whistle at Night

South Korea Facts - Other Superstitions

These superstitions reflect a blend of cultural, historical, and sometimes even regional beliefs in South Korea. While not everyone in the country adheres to these superstitions, they can still influence daily life and traditions.

Here are other major superstitions and beliefs in South Korea:

#11. Dreams: Many South Koreans believe that dreams can be prophetic. Dreaming of pigs or cows is said to foretell wealth, while dreaming of snakes can signify deceit.

#12. Fan Death: There’s a widespread superstition that sleeping with an electric fan on in a closed room can lead to death. Many believe it depletes the oxygen or causes hypothermia.

#13. Birthmarks: Some South Koreans believe that birthmarks hold special meanings or are tied to past lives. For example, a birthmark on the back of the neck might indicate that you were hanged in a previous life.

#14. Red Ink: Writing a person’s name in red ink is avoided, as it is believed to bring bad luck and symbolize death.

#15. Gift-Giving: Giving shoes as a gift is considered bad luck because the Korean word for “shoes” sounds similar to the word for “parting.”

#16. Number 3: The number 3 is considered lucky, and some believe that saying the same thing three times can make it come true.

#17. Chopsticks: Dropping chopsticks is seen as a bad omen, often associated with accidents or illness.

#18. Funeral Beliefs: Certain actions at funerals, like taking photos or wearing bright colours, are considered disrespectful and inauspicious.

#19. Unlucky Days: Some South Koreans avoid certain days, such as their own “saju” (four pillars of destiny) when they are believed to be more accident-prone.

#20. Rice Cakes: Tteok (rice cakes) are associated with celebrations, but they are also believed to appease evil spirits when offered to them.


South Korea Facts - Daily Lifestyle

These facts provide a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic daily lifestyle in South Korea, influenced by both tradition and modernity.

Here are some interesting facts about daily lifestyle in South Korea:

#21. Work-Life Balance: South Koreans are known for their strong work ethic, often working long hours. However, there’s a growing emphasis on achieving a better work-life balance in recent years.

#22. Public Transportation: South Korea has an efficient and extensive public transportation system, making it common for people to rely on buses and subways for daily commuting.

#23. High-Tech Living: South Korea is a tech-savvy nation, and many aspects of daily life are intertwined with technology, including mobile payments and smartphone apps for various services.

#24. Cafe Culture: South Korea has a vibrant cafe culture. Visiting coffee shops is a popular pastime, and you can find them on almost every corner.

#25. Respect for Elders: Confucian values play a significant role in South Korean culture, and respect for elders is highly emphasized. It’s common to use honorific language when speaking to older individuals.


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South Korea Facts
Rice Cake

#26. Diverse Food: South Korea offers a wide range of delicious and diverse food options, from street food to traditional dishes like bibimbap and kimchi.

#27. Plastic Surgery: South Korea is known for its booming cosmetic surgery industry, and it’s not uncommon for people to get various cosmetic procedures.

#28. Education Pressure: South Korea places a high value on education, and students often face intense academic pressure to succeed. Private tutoring (hagwons) is common.

#29. K-Pop and Entertainment: The influence of K-pop and Korean entertainment is evident in daily life, with many people following their favourite idols and actors closely.

#30. Bathhouses (Jjimjilbang): Visiting bathhouses is a popular way to relax and socialize in South Korea. These are often open 24/7 and offer various saunas, hot baths, and relaxation areas.

#31. Traditional Clothing: While Western clothing is common, traditional Korean clothing, known as hanbok, is still worn during important occasions like festivals, weddings, and the Lunar New Year.

#32. Demands for Fashion: South Korea is known for its fast fashion and trends, and many people take pride in their appearance and fashion sense.

Culture, History and Technology of South Korea

These South Korea facts provide a brief idea of the culture, history, and achievements of South Korea in a simple and approachable way.

#33. South Korea is known for its delicious cuisine, with popular dishes like kimchi, bulgogi, and bibimbap.

#34. K-pop, or Korean pop music, is a global sensation originating from South Korea, with groups like BTS gaining international fame.

#35. South Korea is home to some beautiful natural landscapes, including mountains, forests, and beaches.

#36. It has a rich history that dates back thousands of years, with palaces and temples that showcase its cultural heritage.

#37. South Koreans celebrate Seollal (Lunar New Year) and Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) as important traditional holidays.

BLACKPINK Born Pink Tour London
BLACKPINK Born Pink Tour

Source: CC BY 2.0

#38. Taekwondo is a popular martial art that originated in South Korea and is practised worldwide.

#39. South Korea is a technology powerhouse, known for brands like Samsung and LG in the electronics industry.

#40. The country has a high-speed internet infrastructure and is one of the most connected nations in the world.

#41. South Korea is famous for its skincare products and beauty industry, promoting clear and healthy skin.

#42. The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a heavily guarded buffer area that separates North and South Korea.

BTS at the White House
BTS at the White House

#43. South Koreans are known for their love of video games and esports, with many professional gamers.

#44. The country has a unique system called “Ondol,” where underfloor heating is used in traditional homes.

#45. South Korea is one of the world’s top shipbuilders and automobile manufacturers.

#46. It has a rich tradition of tea culture, with green tea and traditional teas like “insamcha.”

#47. South Korea has a unique script called “Hangul” which was invented by King Sejong the Great in the 15th century.

#48. The country has a strong emphasis on education, with students often attending hagwons (private academies) in addition to regular school.

#49. Korean cinema has gained international recognition, with films like “Parasite” winning Academy Awards.

#50. South Korea is a democratic nation, and its president is elected by the people.

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