10 Rare Diseases and Disorders That Turn People Into Superheroes

Many people have been through some or the other ordinary or rare diseases and have had a difficult time dealing with the symptoms. But what if we tell you that there are even some rare diseases that can give you superhero like abilities. Pretty hilarious, right? Believe it or not, it’s true. We have listed below 10 rare diseases and disorders which can literally turn a person into a superhero.

Rare diseases and disorders
Rare Diseases and Disorders

Rare Diseases and Disorders

1. Super Memory

Rare Diseases and Disorders
Super Memory

As a child, while concentrating on tests we have all wished to have the option to recall everything that we considered! This can really occur! This condition is called Hyperthymesia, one of the rare diseases in the world.

It is a disturbance of memory which makes an individual recall every one of an incredible occasion down to each and every detail. There are just around 60 individuals on the planet who have been determined to have such a special infection.

The patients can portray any day of their lives in stunning points of interest reviewing even the minutes from their profound adolescence. Likewise, such individuals can present extensive concentrates from books they’ve perused numerous years prior, retell a news communicate of any day of any year and so on.

2. Super Muscles

Super Muscles
Super Muscles

Myostatin-related Muscle Hypertrophy is an uncommon condition that outcomes in a decrease in muscle-to-fat ratio and an increment in muscle estimate. There are not many known cases in the realm of this uncommon condition.

Liam Hoekstra, a child who was considered to have Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy at 3 years old, has practically 40% more muscle than others his age. 

He has an amazingly quick metabolism and is near to almost no body fat. It is also considered among the rare diseases as the people who display it are of ordinary acumen and hint no side reactions.

3. Stone Man

Stone Man
Stone Man

Individuals with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP), one of the most dangerous and rare diseases, have the delicate tissues of their bodies swinging to the bone. The muscles transform into bone and joints meld. When the Doctors try to evacuate the bone precisely, the body begins to create more bone tissue around there.

Fortunately, one out of two million individuals experience the ill effects of this kind of rare disease in light of the fact that at present there is no current treatment.

The wounds may really make your joints solidify like stone. The unfortunate casualties can transform even into a living statue as any attempt to expel the solidified bone is immediately supplanted with additional.

As the condition intensifies the body turns out to be progressively solidified in the long run. Ultimately Individuals with Stone Man disorder can’t move their bodies.

4. Genius Skills

Rare Diseases and Disorders
Genius Skills

Savant Syndrome is a very uncommon condition, normally found in people suffering from developmental disorders like Autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Patients with such conditions are amazingly gifted in music, drawing and painting, computations, cartography, and developing 3D models.

They can tell you the exact day of the week for any given date, festival etc. If this one is not the best of all rare diseases, then which one is?

Stephen Wiltshire a renowned British design craftsman, with the disorder of academics, figured out how to draw an exact guide of London After only one trip over the city.

We all consider these savants geniuses, but despite this extraordinary GOD gift, they still display inadequacy to the extent of mental deficiency.

The most famous big names like mathematical genius Jedidiah Buxton, scientist Temple Grandin, artist Gottfried Mind, and numerical genius George Widener are all Savants!

The fascinating perception is that while just 10% of Autistic individuals have Savant Syndrome, And out of the absolute populace of Savants, just half are Autistic.

5. Insensitivity to Cold

Insensitivity to Cold
Insensitivity to Cold

There are also some individuals with a rare condition called Congenital Insensitivity to Cold, who can resist any temperature of coldness. Surprisingly there exists a person named Wim Hof from the Netherlands, also known as the ‘Ice Man’, who conveyed specialists to their mind’s end.

The thing is, Wim can stand exceptionally low temperatures. With the help of these rare diseases and conditions, he figured out how to go through 120 minutes in a pipe with solidifying water and ice, move to the highest point of Mount Blanc wearing shorts and his pen, and even swim under the ice of solidified lakes and waterways.

Masters believed this man to be a one-of-a-kind marvel, however, he himself trusts that his Insensitivity to cold is the consequence of the steady preparation. Simply envision how a lot of cash you could save money on winter garments in the event that you had such a capacity

6. Absence of Fear

Rare Diseases and Disorders
Absence of Fear

Urbach-Wiethe illness is an uncommon genetic imbalance or disorder that prompts the total absence of fear. Just 300 cases are known of this kind of rare disease and one-fourth of them have been enrolled in South Africa.

The most well-known patient got the name “the lady who knows no dread”. As a young lady, she had both sides of her amygdala decimated which brought about her knowing no dread. 

The specialists utilized various approaches to alarm her. She was given harmful creepy crawlies and snakes to hold, the researchers made her watch thrillers, and she was even secured in a spooky house.

The people of the examination group were amazed to discover the lady still alive in spite of the way that she couldn’t survey risk. The non-appearance of fear in any individual is a quite hazardous condition to have. Without dread, we are defenceless to hazardous circumstances that render us genuine damage.

7. Octopus People

Octopus People
Octopus People

Polymelia is a strange imbalance or disorder in the body. Individuals experiencing it are brought into the world with a surprising number of body limbs. In Some cases, these limbs are truly valuable for the patients, suffering with these rare diseases of limbs.

For instance, the case in Pakistan was especially stunning, an infant took birth with upwards of six legs. Truth be told, the infection can influence any furthest points like legs arms and fingers.

Without a doubt medical procedures evacuating additional body parts exist, yet shockingly that few people refuse as they think these body parts, are valuable for then and feel hesitant to lose them.

8. Foreign Accent

Foreign Accent
Foreign Accent

A huge number of people have made an attempt to talk with a foreign accent in any event once in their life and may have been effective too.

To our surprise, there are a few people, suffering from Foreign Accent Syndrome, one of the most strange and rare diseases, who don’t have to make any effort but can talk splendidly. In most cases, it is unpleasant for even the patients themselves as they talk with a foreign accent wildly.

What is much all the more astonishing? It is even surprising that patients who speak with a German accent may have never visited Germany.

Every once in a while, such patients utilize a few accents now and again, even at the same time. The most well-known explanation behind this condition is a head injury or a stroke.

The individual with this condition changes the manner in which they place their tongue amid talking. The best treatment for this situation is speech therapy or language training.

9. Insensitivity to Pain

Insensitivity to Pain
Insensitivity to Pain

It may surprise you to realize that, there are individuals who have their pain sensors for all time killed! This superpower is the consequence of an uncommon illness, Congenital Analgesia. There is an astounding actuality to consider in spite of the rareness of this infection.

More than 40 instances of such disease have been enrolled in one of the towns in Sweden. This kind of rare disease doesn’t impact mental capacities or appearance. An individual doesn’t feel any agony greatest other individuals’ contacts.

Normally our body educates us about certain issues it has sending us flags as agony. A patient with an absence of pain may miss the side effects of the malady. 

This ailment is particularly risky for little kids as they can hurt themselves while playing or incidentally cause harm to the cornea, nibble the tip of their tongue off, or neglect to see that their bone is broken.

10. Vampire


Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia is a hereditary condition that can actually transform you into a vampire. Individuals experiencing this condition are very slim and pale, their eyes are delineated with dark circles, their teeth are ordinarily pointed, and their hair is missing.

Along these lines, they appear to be like the amazing blood-bolstering animals from thrillers. Isn’t it one of the scariest and rare diseases ever?

The most serious issue for such patients is that they generally need to check their temperature and also avoid daylight. It is fundamentally essential to maintain a strategic distance from a sweltering climate since they don’t have sweat organs.

For instance, Michael Berryman experiences the vampire ailment and makes a vocation playing blood and gore flick characters.

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